Young people are putting photos of themselves online during Schoolies Week that will ruin their opportunities to further their career now and in years to come.

Australian Teenage Expo co-founder and youth expert Sacha Kaluri says while social media is a fantastic way to communicate with friends, but young people needed be aware of what image they portray.

“Its now extremely common for businesses to Google and Facebook potential employees, to check out their online image.” Said Ms Kaluri.

“Young people need to constantly be thinking what image they are putting out there of themselves,” she said

“Young people tend to have lots of friends online and when they upload photos of themselves having a good time sometimes in Bali or Queensland, they forget who might see them.”

“Employers can be very conservative and often make judgements”.

Sonya Karras also co-founder of the Australian Teenage Expo said “We are living in a clip and uploadworld, so young people need to factor that in when they are partying.

“Its not just the photos they upload, its also the comments too,” said Ms Karras.

“Those fly away comments young people write, can really show the world who they are and what values they have,” she said

“It’s extremely easy to have a few drinks and want to show off the good time to your having and then only to regret it in the morning.”

Ms Kaluri has tips on how to manage your online profile during Schoolies Week.

  • Don’t upload any photos while under the influence. Give yourself a rule.
  • Hang out with friends that you trust, in fact make an agreement amongst the group with each other not to Facebook, Tweet or Instagram if you are drinking.
  • Be conscious of what you are not only putting yourself online but also your friends, being tagged in a photo you don’t want online is just as devastating.
  • Keep your opinion to yourself, young people sometimes feel like they have the right to voice how they feel all the time. Putting that opinion online can distraught their image.
  • Schoolies week is an important part of a student’s life. Have fun, make memories that you can remember forever, its okay to take photos but make sure you keep them private. Young people should not have to be reminded for many years to come of the silly things they did during Schoolies Week.

Ms Kaluri says one of the worst things that can happen is in years to come a young person is constantly reminded of a night of celebration, judged for their action and regularly pay the price.

“Young people can often spend the whole year saving for that Bali trip and the last thing they want is, for it to turn out to be their worst nightmare, all because of one photo or comment”.

“Many business owners say they can only meet the real person applying for a job on Facebook – so your resume and Facebook profile need to match up.”

‘If your resume says you are motivated and energetic, your Facebook profile cant have comments about how you cant be bothered to go to work and you would rather seep in most days”.

‘Schoolies week is all about having fun and celebrating with friends, its not meant to affect your future career”.